Oxygen can improve combustion through increased heat transfer, higher flame temperatures, and reduced volume of fuel gases in metals production operations.
By customizing an oxy-fuel solution for your specific operation, we can match the heat input, flame shape and length, and heat release profile to the needs of the furnace to which it is being applied and help you reach the operational goals of that furnace. Production rate increases of 25-40% are common, with increased fuel efficiency and reduced flue gas volumes of 50% or more. This allows for much less downstream handling and lower flue gas temperatures.
Air Products can supply the custom designed burners as well as the flow controls, data acquisition, and smart analytics to optimize and track furnace performance. For production increases, very short pay backs of less than 6 months are often achieved.
Light Metal Age’s Ann Marie Fellom sat down with Air Products’ Russell Hewertson at the ALUMINIUM USA trade show in Detroit, Michigan, as part of the magazine’s interview series with notable members of the aluminum industry. In his interview, the Americas Commercial Technology Manager at Air Products discussed the importance of close collaboration with aluminum producers to help them optimize their operation through our expertise, gases and technologies.
Check out our brief video excerpts from the full interview that answer some frequently asked questions.
Oxygen can improve combustion through increased heat transfer, higher flame temperatures, and reduced volume of fuel gases in metals production operations.
Valued for its reactive and protective properties, and used by many industries such as electronics, foods, glass, chemicals, refining and more can benefit from its unique properties to improve quality, optimise performance and reduce costs.
Discuss your operational challenges with our experienced application engineers and let us customize a solution to help your operation achieve its goals.